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  • Administration
    Pastor Andy Bloom: Pastor of Central Baptist Church and President of OCA Mr. Joe Carpenter: Assistant Pastor. Mr. Carpenter holds a BS degree from Pensacola Christian College. Mr. Randy Osborne: School Admininstrator. Mr. Osborne holds a BS degree from Tennessee Temple Univeristy and a Master's of Education in Educational Business Administration. Mr. Osborne has been the school administrator since 2018. Mrs. Sharon Loyd: Elementary Principal and Guidance Counselor. Mrs. Loyd holds a BA degree from the University of Florida. Mrs. Loyd has been at OCA since 1982, and the elementary principal for over 20 years. Mrs. Stephanie Cumbie: Middle School Principal and Guidance Counselor. Mrs. Cumbie holds a Master of Education degree from Hyles-Anderson College. Mrs. Cumbie has been a teacher for 28 years, and the middle school principal since 2018. Mr. Chris Mruzek: High School Principal. Mr. Mruzek holds a BA degree and a Master of Divinity from Pensacola Christian College. Mr. Mruzek was the former Dean of Discipline. Mr. John Pound: Dean of Discipline.
  • Elementary Faculty
    Mrs. Kimber Savage: Mrs. Susan Dayton: K3 Teacher Mrs. Williams: K4 Teacher Mrs. Katie Fowler: K5 teacher. Mrs. Fowler holds a BS from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Fowler has taught at OCA since 2021. Mrs. Lisa Land: K5 teacher. Mrs. Land has taught at OCA since 1992. Mrs. Karina Piazza: K5 Teacher. Mrs. Bonnie Artman: 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Artman holds a BA degree from Spurgeon Baptist Bible College. Mrs. Artman has taught at OCA since 1985. Mrs. Amy Payne: 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Thomas: 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Donna Bittner: 2nd grade teacher. Miss Alyssa Roberson: 2nd grade teacher. Mrs. Angela Sutton: 2nd grade teacher. Mrs. Sutton holds a BS degree from Veritas Baptist College. Mrs. Sutton has taught at OCA since 2003. Mrs. Deanne Day: 3rd Grade teacher. Mrs. Day holds a BS from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Day has taught at OCA since 2009. Mrs. Emilea Litchfield: 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Litchfield holds a BS degree from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Litchfield has taught at OCA since 2017. Mrs. Danielle Pound: 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Pound holds a Master of Religious Education from West Coast Baptist College. Mrs. Pound has taught at OCA since 2021. Mrs. Brittany Gould: 4th grade teacher. Miss Andrea Williams: 4th grade teacher. Mr. Joel Gould: 5th grade teacher. Mrs. Brittany Luiken: 5th grade teacher, Safety Patrol Supervisor. Mrs. Luiken holds a BS degree from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Luiken has taught at OCA since 2012. Mr. Ron Carpenter: Elementary PE teacher, Boys HOPE, and Coach. Mr. Carpenter holds a BS degree from Liberty University. Mr. Carpenter has worked at OCA since 2001. Miss Samantha Flannery: Elementary PE teacher Mrs. Bettye Liberty: ESP Director Mrs. Lydia Pierce : Elementary Music teacher. Mrs. Pierce holds a BA degree in music from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Pierce has worked at OCA since 2016. Mrs. Christy Culver: Elementary Art and Library teacher. Mrs. Culver holds a BS degree from Florida State University. Mrs. Culver has worked at OCA since 2003.
  • Secondary Faculty
    Mrs. Emily Bloom: 10th-12th grades History, 9th Grade Girls HOPE, and yearbook. Mrs. Bloom holds a BS degree from Ambassador Baptist College and a Master's of Education Degree from Bob Jones University. Mrs. Bloom has taught at OCA since 2014. Mrs. Lauren Castillo: 6th-8th grades History. Mrs. Castillo holds a BS degree from West Coast Baptist College. Mrs. Castillo has taught at OCA since 2015. Mr. Ruben Castillo: 8th-12th grade Bible teacher. Mr. Castillo has taught at OCA since 2016. Mr. Castillo is pursuing a BS degree from West Coast Baptist College / Veritas University. Mr. David Hyslop: 9th-12th grade Science teacher. Mr. Hyslop holds a BA degree from Cedarville College. Mr. Hyslop has taught over 30 years, and has been at OCA since 2015. Mr. Wagner Jules: 9th - 12th grade Math teacher. Mr. Rusty Miller: 6th -7th grade Bible teacher, Consumer Math, Computer Science, and Sign Language teacher. Mr. Miller holds a BA degree from Ambassador's Baptist College, He has taught at OCA since 2023. Mrs. Elisabeth Reffner: 6th-8th grade Math teacher. Mrs. Reffner holds a BS degree from Pensacola Christian College. Mrs. Reffner has taught over 25 years, and has taught at OCA since 2012. Mrs. Donna Richins: 6th - 8th grade English. Mrs. N Roman: 9th - 10th grade Spanish teacher and Family Living. Mrs. Carrie Seymour: 9th-12th grade English teacher. Mrs. Seymour holds an MA in Biblical Languages from Pensacola Theological Seminary and an MA in intercultural studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Mrs. Seymour has taught at OCA since 2023. Mr. Spencer Seymour: 6th - 8th grade Latin. Mr. Seymour has an MA in anthropology from University of West Florida and is currently working on his PhD in anthropology from the University of Florida. Mr. Kevin Stembridge: MS band teacher, and Choir teacher. Mr. Stembridge holds a Master of Science degree in Music Education from Pensacola Christian College. Mr. Stembridge has taught at OCA since 2016. Mr. Peter Whyte: 6th - 8th grade PE teacher.
  • Office Staff
    Mrs. Louise Baker: Main Office Mrs. Jennifer Davis: MS / HS Secretary Mrs. Grace Etheredge: Records Secretary Mrs. Kay Mills: Office Administrator; Bookkeeper Mrs. Alene Twigg: Accounts Receivable Clerk Mrs. Paula Workman: Main Office Secretary
  • Support Staff
    Mr. Jim Bailey: Security Mrs. Nancy Bailey: Cafeteria Mr. Cian Bloom: Maintenance Mr. Jesse Bloom: Coach Mrs. Bonnie Bloom: Cafeteria Mr. Charles Bonner: Substitute Mr. Matthew Carpenter: Maintenance Mrs. Jodi Carpenter: Cafeteria Miss Alicia Carpenter: Cafeteria PJ Culver: Transportation Director Mr. PH Culver: Coach Mrs. Ruth Eby: ESP Mr. Butch Etheredge: Maintenance Mr. Jim Fesperman: Security Mrs. Tiffany Green: Substitute, Extended Care Mrs. Jessica Guinn: Cafeteria Director; Cheerleading Coach Mr. Norman Helinski: Security Mr. Dave Homan: Maintenance Mr. Mark Hopper: Sound Room / Lamp and Light Radio Mrs. Diane Hopper: Office Volunteer Mrs. Patricia Knapp: Cafeteria Mr. Chuck Mills: Security Mrs. Lisa Nelson: Coordinator Mr. Angel Pena: Spanish Pastor, Teacher Assistant Mrs. Robin Pierce: ACSI Coordinator, MAPS Mr. Shawn Rath: Maintenance Director Mrs. Amanda Salmeron: Substitute Mrs. Betty Sheffield: Substitute Mr. David Smith: Maintenance Mrs. Amanda Sweet: Substitute Mrs. Judy Swogger: Substitute
  • School Board
    Mr. Paul Bloom Mr. Terry Loyd Mr. Ralph Weakland Mr. Bill Woods Mr. Jim Pierce

  Mail 1714 SE 36th Ave. Ocala, FL 34471

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