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All about Counseling...

No one should ever feel alone, and here at OCA we want to make sure that you know that there is always someone to talk to--at any time, about anything.


Any student or parent is free to meet with a counselor. An appointment can be made by notifying the counselor in person, emailing the counselor, or leaving a note in the guidance office, with a school receptionist, the middle school secretary, or with the high school secretary. If the situation is dire, please see any of the counselors at any time. You are important to OCA!


Perhaps, your counseling is about college or what to do after graduation. In that case, please contact Mrs. Cumbie or look for information under the guidance counseling tab.

Counselors include the following:


Mrs. Loyd -- Elementary Principal. She is available to meet with individual elementary students to discuss concerns.


Mrs. Cumbie -- Middle School Principal. She is available to meet with individual middle school and high school students to discuss concerns. She is also the one to see about college and career counseling.


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